Focus Groups for Canvas

The LFS Learning Centre is looking for your feedback on Canvas courses. What are the things that have worked? What would you suggest for improvement? Come and give your opinion for an hour, get fed pizza, and help us and your instructors to make their Canvas courses better.

The focus groups will likely be run in December. If you are interested, please contact Cyprien Lomas, Director of the LFS Learning Centre.

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Interview Preparation Strategies Workshop | December 5, 2018, 3:00-5:00pm

Are you careerious? Join Rob Kim, your LFS Career Strategist in this upcoming event:

Interview Preparation Strategies Workshop
Wednesday, December 5, from 3:00 – 5:00pm MCML 258
Want some tried and tested tips for getting interview-ready? Come to this session to learn and practice flexible and effective strategies to maximize your interview preparation.

To sign up: The cost? Just your time, effort, and enthusiasm. Sign-up now through CareersOnline (click “Events” > “Workshops” and search “LFS”)

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PHYS 100 Tutorial Exam Prep with Rob Kim

PHYS 100 Tutorial Exam Prep – for any LFS student!
In a former life, Rob (your LFS Career Strategist) was a science high school teacher who loved working with students in physics. He will be running two tutorial sessions for any LFS students, showcasing tried and true methods of problem-solving using example questions. Most of the focus will be on the first three units of PHYS 100.

  • Session 1: Thursday, Dec 6th @ 11:00am-12:30pm
  • Session 2: Wednesday, Dec 12th @ 3:30pm-4:45pm

Both sessions will be held in MCML 258.

To sign up on CareersOnline, follow this link or click “Events” > “Workshops” and search “LFS”).



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LFS First Year Study Session | November 26, 2018, 3:30-5:30pm

Stressed because of finals coming up? Got term papers that just won’t write themselves?
Join your LFS Senior Orientations Leader and fellow LFSers in Agora for a drop-in LFS study session with free drinks and snacks! We will also be giving out free exam care packages!

  • Where: Agora Cafe (Basement of MacMillan)
  • When: Monday, November 26 from 3:30 – 5:30pm

Bring yourself, your friends, and your homework!

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Agriculture & Animal Husbandry: International Opportunities

Have you always wanted to use your Agricultural or Animal Science skills in other countries? You are needed in:

GHANA: Teach at Agricultural College

  • Ghana is one of the drumming-est, most friendly countries in Africa!
  • No teaching or university experience necessary.
  • What is needed are farmers with a strong background in organic farming, permaculture and/or sustainable agriculture.
  • Mentor in the field and “download” your skills.
  • Your knowledge so important to farmers in Ghana they will put you on the radio!

ECUADOR: Rural development

  • Come work with the indigenous women in the beautiful Andes.
  • They would like to both learn more sustainable farming methods and animal husbandry.
  • Spanish is essential; Quechua helpful.

CAMEROON: Rural development

  • Farmers in the remote rural villages have just enough food to subsist.
  • They would like to learn better methods so that they have enough food for a cash crop.
  • Come teach them mulching, rain water harvesting and how they can enrich their soil.
  • Teach & mentor them in how to raise goats, chicken and/or rabbits so they will have more protein.

MOROCCO: Agriculture

  • Like other remote parts of the world, it is difficult to eke out a living.
  • This organization has done a phenomenal job of raising fruit trees and almonds & walnuts.
  • They employ local women tending 1.4 million seedlings at 14 nurseries.
  • They welcome people with an agricultural background to improve on what they are doing.

PERU: Agriculture & Animal Husbandry

  • Likewise, it is difficult to eke out a living at 10,000 feet in the mountains of Peru.
  • It is difficult to raise food. People eat guinea pig.
  • This organization’s brilliant solution? They have built green houses so they can raise more vegetables.
  • They welcome people with an Agricultural & Animal Husbandry background to help increase food & nutrition to people.

Interested? Here’s how to apply:
Please visit and read more information on the NGOabroad website 
and send an answered Questionnaire and resume to

Both experienced farmers & students needed for these volunteer opportunities.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

When to Apply:
People are already beginning to apply to volunteer in June, July & August! It is smart to finish the application process by March so you have time to prepare to go to another country. Our volunteer programs do not just run in June, July & August – that is simply when most people can go.

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Winterfest | November 29, 2018, 5:00-9:00pm

Winterfest is back for its 5th year running!! Come to celebrate the last week of school with us and show your love for good ol’ mother earth in a magical outdoor setting!

When: Thursday, November 29, 2018, from 5:00 – 9:00pm
Where: In front of the AMS Nest

Join Common Energy for our most popular outdoor event of the year as we celebrate our 11th year on campus! Featuring a sustainable holiday market, live music, sustainability workshops, and free hot chocolate & cookies! BYOM (bring your own mug) or use MugShare to keep things clean and classy! Winterfest will keep you warm and cozy while we celebrate the outdoors, and each other’s work to make the campus more sustainable this term!

Celebrate the winter season, learn about sustainability, catch up with friends over warm drinks and start your Christmas gift shopping!

Schedule and market vendors will be posted soon. Stay tuned for more updates!

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UBC Student Leadership Conference 2019: Go Beyond Your Lines

Join us on Saturday, January 12, 2019, for a day of inspiring speakers and presenters, interactive workshops and learning labs, and networking with all kinds of leaders in and around the community!

As one of the largest student-run conferences in Canada, the Student Leadership Conference (SLC) is an opportunity to explore your abilities, a hub for amazing individuals in the community, and a platform that inspires action. The SLC features well-known keynote speakers, workshops, featured presenters, and learning labs which all revolve around this year’s theme, Beyond Your Lines.

This year’s theme challenges you to take a step outside your comfort zone, to not let your ideas and goals be constrained by the lines of typicality. Growth often emerges from discomfort, and we encourage you to embrace that uncertainty as you explore new ideas and perspectives on your leadership journey. Your lines are unique to you, so we invite you to identify the edges of your own comfort zone, and colour beyond your lines. Register now!

You can also learn more by visiting the Facebook Page or the SLC Website.

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Master of Food & Resource Economics (MFRE) Info Session | November 28, 2018, 5:00-6:00pm

The Master of Food and Resource Economics (MFRE) is hosting an info session next week. You are invited to hear more about the program from the MFRE Academic Director and professors!

  • Date: Wednesday November 28, 2018
  • Time: 5:00  – 6:00 pm
  • Location: MCML 366

What is MFRE? MFRE is a unique one-year professional masters program combining economics, policy and business as understood from an agriculture, food, natural resources and environmental perspective. This degree blends the economic and analytical rigour of an MSc with the business and management elements of an MBA, and equips you to analyze real-world issues through applied economics and quantitative skills.

Applications are open and will close on January 1st, 2019.

Please email Shristee at to let us know you will be attending, although we welcome your attendance even if you have not RSVP’d.

Everyone is welcome! Snacks and tea will be provided. We hope to see you soon!

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New Courses on Global Issues and Community Engagement

Interested in global issues and community engagement? Check out these exciting new courses!

New Course Offerings in Term 2

  • CONS 449C 204: Conversations on race and climate change
    • Time: Mondays, 1:30 – 4:30 pm
    • Instructor: Janette Bulkan
    • Credits: 3

Conversations will focus on the shared root causes of climate change and racialization, in both a global context and the local context of xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and səl̓ilwətaɁɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) land. Together, students will develop an analysis of land and climate justice for transformative social action, research, and organizing. As a Student Directed Seminar, CONS 449C is a discussion-based upper-year undergraduate class led by and for undergraduate students. View this course on SSC.

As a Student Directed Seminar (SDS), Conversations is a discussion-based upper-year undergraduate class led by and for undergraduate students at UBC. Click here for more information on the SDS program.
To sign up for this course, complete this form.

  • ASTU 204C: Collaborative Methods for Global Community Development
    • Time: Tuesdays, 5:00 – 8:00pm
    • Credits: 3
    • Instructor: Moura Quayle

How do we as individuals engage in system-level change?  What skills and approaches make for effective change? And how might we address issues related to global migration?

Who should take this course? This second-year course is open to all UBC students interested in collaborative methodologies such as systems thinking, strategic design, and forum theatre. Emphasis will be on bridging theory and practice around collaborative methods for problem definition and problem-solving while exploring the challenges and opportunities of global migration using virtual reality and other creative technologies. View this course on SSC.

  • ASTU 401G: Wicked Problems in Community Development
    • Time: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 12:00 – 2:00pm
    • Credits: 3
    • Instructor: Tom Scholte

Wicked Problems are considered to be of a fundamentally different nature to “problems in the natural sciences, which are definable and separable and may have solutions that are findable.” Wicked Problems have an intrinsic complexity of such that they cannot be solved but only tamed or “at best re-solved – over and over again. In this course, students will work remotely with a community partner in India on wicked problems that they are currently examining.

Who should take this course?  The course is open to all third and fourth-year UBC students who are interested in understanding wicked problems through a systems lens.  Using virtual reality to gain contextual understanding, students will learn how to utilize the transdisciplinary tools of strategic design, systems theory, and forum theatre with current best practices in international community engagement as its foundation. View this course on SSC.

  • CONS 449C 203: Ecology in a Changing Climate
    • Time: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 11:00am – 12:30pm
    • Credits: 3
    • Instructor: Elizabeth Wolkovich

    This is a 200-level course, offered this year as a directed studies 400-level listing.

    Anthropogenic climate change has already raised the global temperature nearly one degree, with far more radical warming predicted in the coming decades. With this elevated temperature regime come shifts in frosts, precipitation, storms and extremes. Alongside these major physical impacts many aspects of ecological systems are changing. This course will build on the fundamental organizing units of ecology: individuals, populations, species, communities and ecosystems to build a framework to understand what has shifted in the last 40 years and what we may expect by the end of the century.

    This class will be lecture and discussion-based with students expected to actively participate and work with one another in and outside of class on course projects. Knowledge of fundamental concepts in ecology and evolution will be key for keeping pace with the course. Prerequisites are one of:  BIOL 121 and GEOB 207, or permission of instructor. For more information, please visit the Temporal Ecology Lab website or read the course description on your SSC.

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Fresh Roots is Hiring!

Internships give you the opportunity to develop your skills. Learn how Fresh Roots’ unique model works, and make a real contribution to our community. As a Fresh Roots intern, you may be able to receive UBC credits. Each internship has its own delicious flavour. Our spring interns are eligible to continue with us as Canada Summer Jobs staff members during the summer!

-SOYL Facilitator – Vancouver, Coquitlam, or Delta
If you’re passionate about working with teens and cultivating personal growth and community leadership through farming, this could be the job for you!:

  • Applications due: Friday, November 23, 2018
  • Position Dates: January through mid-May, continuing as Canada Summer Jobs staff mid-May-August.

See the full job posting here.

-Schoolyard Farm Intern – Vancouver
If you love to be outside and to get away from the monotony of the computer, if you love sharing food with your community, or if you see the magic in sprouting seeds, this might be the position for you!

  • Applications due: Friday, November 23, 2018
  • Position Dates: March-November; May-August interns will be employed through Canada Summer Jobs

See the full job posting here.

Fresh Roots is also looking for a Farm Manager to help us GROW (all puns intended)! Help plant your vision of educational farming by managing our schoolyard farms and food lands to be places of production and learning; a farm oasis in the city. Our work starts with the soil, and our sites are the starting place for all of our programs. You’ll get a chance to help frame and create what educational farms should be on school grounds in the lower mainland. In this role, you will be our Farm Manager, growing and sharing food with the community. More details and how to apply here:
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.


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