Volunteer for the LFS Community Dinner!

The LFS Community Dinner has been a UBC tradition for over 10 years. This annual event is a collaboration between fourth-year dietetics students and the Land and Food Systems Undergraduate Society.

This year, our dinner will be held on Sunday, November 25, 2018 from 5:30 – 9:30pm at the Great Hall in the AMS Student Nest. We will need volunteers the day of the event and the days leading up to the event.

This is a unique opportunity to work closely with dietetics students, gain experience preparing and cooking a variety of food, and expand your knowledge of food service systems.

Front of House (FOH) includes bartending, coat check, registration, serving/clearing food, decorating and cleaning the venue. FOH volunteering occurs only on November 25. As this event is 19+, you must be 19 years of age to volunteer for FOH.

Back of House (BOH) will focus on preparing and cooking various components of this year’s featured dishes in the days leading up to the event and on the night of the dinner. Food safe experience is valuable but not mandatory. BOH shifts are generally two hours each and run from November 22-25.

If you are interested in volunteering for a longer shift you are welcome to select multiple shifts and multiple dates. Apply here!

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APBI 496: Applied Animal Biology Practicum

Applications are now open for AABI students interested in an APBI 496 practicum placement in Term 2 (January-April).

This practicum is designed for students to gain experience in potential fields of future employment working with animals. Students will apply knowledge from previous coursework in Applied Animal Biology to careers in wildlife rehabilitation, animal shelter management, research and farm animal management.

Download the APBI 496 course syllabus here!

In addition to the practicum opportunities described below, students are encouraged to seek and develop practicum opportunities at other local animal shelters where supervisory support is available on-site. For example, a previous student created a practicum at WAGS, Whistler, following a volunteer experience with the organization. If a local shelter is willing to take on mentorship of a student, please contact Sara Dubois to discuss the practicum learning objectives.

Practicum opportunities for 2018 Winter Term 2, working with pets and their loving owners in the community and learning about shelter management & operations.

See practicum descriptions; shelter project (2 positions), community project (2 positions) and email your application, resume and cover letter to kmonteith@spca.bc.ca

3 and 6 credit practicum opportunities available throughout the year (including Jan-Apr term), working at the Wildlife Rescue Association in Burnaby in wildlife rehabilitation.

See application details here!

Deadline for 2018 Winter, Term 2 applications is November 15, 2018.

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Feeding 9 Billion | November 11-12, 2018

This year we’re teaming up with CUS to bring you The Feeding 9 Billion Challenge. It is a 24-hour case competition open to students from all faculties and challenges students to create sustainable solutions to food system issues.

It is based on the premise that the world’s population is projected to be 9 billion by the year 2050. The topic will be given on the day of.

  • Grand prize of $1000, 2nd place: $500, 3rd place: $250
  • Interdisciplinary: teams of 4-5 people from at least 2 faculties
  • Receive guidance from mentors
  • Meals and snacks will be provided
  • Build teamwork skills and make friends!
  • Tickets only $10!

You can sign up as an individual without a predetermined team! Will be assigned a team on the day of the event.

Solutions can come in all forms. Your team can create a business plan, propose an education program or develop a new way of producing food. The only requirement is that it can be implemented at a local level and work to creating a greener future.

Time: Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 12:00 pm to Monday, November 12, 2018 at 12:00pm

Location: Bruce R. Birmingham Undergraduate Centre in the Sauder School of Business Building.

TICKETS ON SALE NOW: https://www.showpass.com/the-feeding-9-billion-challenge-2/

Once you buy a ticket, please fill out this form! Fill out if you’re entering as an individual or have one team member fill it out!

Students will be mentored by professionals and experts in sustainable food systems and other relevant fields.

Feel free to email LFS Case Competition Coordinators at lfsus.casecompetition@landfood.ubc.ca with any questions or concerns.

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LFS Senior Orientations Leader Hiring closes this Sunday, November 4!

Are you looking for an opportunity to take your leadership skills to the next level? Are you passionate about LFS and welcoming new students to our Faculty? If so, apply to be a Senior Orientation Leader! This is a wonderful opportunity to make new connections and play an important role in shaping the experiences of your fellow LFSers.

The deadline to apply is this Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 11:59pm.

Read more about the role and apply here! Just a heads up, you will need to have a cover letter and resume ready to go for your application.

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MFRE Speaker Series: Vertical Farming: The Future of Agriculture | November 2, 2018, 3:00–5:00pm

The MFRE speaker series is part of the professional development program and is designed to show a glimpse into the complexities of ‘real world’ food and resource economics issues. The next featured speaker, Nick Brusatore, is a known design expert in the commercial production of plants using vertical growing technology to fully automate and accommodate low cost production with high level of quality. Mr. Brusatore has been Chairman of the Applied Research Board at The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and nominated for the award of excellence in Canada Agriculture. Nick was the initial funder and founder of Affinor Growers and Vertical Designs and the current holder of two global vertical farming patents. He is currently funding a state of the art facility under construction for Cannabis on his property in Abbotsford BC.

Event Details: Friday, November 2, 2018 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm in MacMillan Room 160

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Meet the Dietitian Night | November 7, 2018, 6:15-8:30pm

Hosted annually by the UBC Dietitians of Canada Student Reps, Meet the Dietitian Night is a networking event for students to meet and chat with 10+ dietitians about their experiences within a variety of fields. Join us and learn more about the potential dietetic career paths and specializations. This event provides the opportunity to ask questions and engage with dietitians in small group discussions.

The event will be held on Wednesday, November 7 from 6:15 – 8:30pm in MacMillan 360 and registration is required prior to the event. Light refreshments and snacks will be served. Please note that registration closes on Saturday, November 3.

More information about the event can be found here.

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What’s Your Vision for Agriculture?

FCC Vision, a national agriculture research panel, is looking for new members to help shape the future of agriculture. This is your chance to share your ideas and opinions about Canadian agriculture and how FCC can better serve our exciting, growing industry.
You don’t have to be an FCC customer to join Vision. Vision panelists come from all levels of production, agribusiness and agri-food, ag studies or have a business associated with agriculture.

Participate in one to two surveys a month and earn Vision Reward Points – points you can redeem for gift cards.
Ready to be heard, get involved and influence change? Join FCC Vision at www.fccvision.ca

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Corry’s Career Corner – Your Personal IdentiBEE

Email is one way to communicate with prospective employers or mentors and for them to reach out to you – does your email best represent your professional self?
You may want to consider utilizing the UBC Alumni Email Forwarding service. Why?
1) Highly likelihood of obtaining an email address that is professional and identifiable to your name.
2) Allows you to forward messages to your current email, thus allowing you to hang onto your long-time address “gamerz123rulez” or “harrypotterfan2012” that you created back in grade 10.

Using a “@alumni.ubc.ca” email address on your cover letter and resume can add a nice professional touch to your profile.

More information on how to create your alumni email address can be found here.

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Attention LFS Grads!

Attention all November 2018 and May 2019 Grads!

Your class composite and graduation portraits are being taken at Evangelos Photography Ltd. (3156 West Broadway, Vancouver) The deadline is March 31, 2018.

You can contact Jaspreet and Sophia at lfsus.grad@landfood.ubc.ca for any additional questions.

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MFRE Speaker Series: Sustainable Cricket Protein Bars and Powders | October 26, 2018, 3:00-5:00pm

The MFRE speaker series is part of the professional development program and is designed to show a glimpse into the complexities of ‘real world’ food and resource economics issues. The next featured speaker, Dylan Jones, is the Founder of Coast Protein. Attend the session to learn more!

Event Details:
Friday, October 26, 2018 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Location: MacMillan Room 160

About the Speaker:
Dylan views small value-driven businesses as the catalyst for great change in the Canadian economy. He created the idea of Coast Protein to see food production and protein consumption to be completely disrupted. Dylan’s drive for a more sustainable future comes from his love for Canada’s winters and deep, deep powder snow.

Learn more about the MFRE Speaker Series here.

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