Issues of Christianity in Harry Potter

For those interested, I thought I’d provide two authors who can shed more light on the Christian content of the Harry Potter series so you can see what I was talking about in class. Even though I’m not very religious, I met both Connie Neal and John Granger at both of the Harry Potter conventions that I’ve been to, and their lectures were amazing to attend. John Granger in particular is a delight! Both are considered the BEST scholars on the Christian content of HP, especially John Granger. Here are links to their websites:

Connie Neal’s:

John Granger’s:

An Awesome Online Teen Space and the Coolest Library Ever!

I just wanted to share this teen space that I blogged on for a project last semester. I totally fell in love with it because it was so far above the other teen blogs I had researched for that project. I love how it’s interactive and captures what it is to be a teen in a stylistic way:

Also I LOVE the look of this library. I know it’s not teen-specific, but we’re talking about library spaces now and even though this is more library architecture, I thought it was still related enough to share. I didn’t even know how to choose between all the pictures that I found so I’m just linking to the google image search: