Africa and the ICC – Resistance or Cooperation?

By Asad Kiyani

The ICC is only prosecuting situations in Africa.  Given this, and the fact that in 2009 the African Union passed a resolution of “non-cooperation” with the Court, it would be useful to trace how the relationship between the Court and its most important constituency has developed over the past year.  The major theme has been that Africa is being marginalized even while the Courts energies seem largely devoted to African situations.


May 25, 2010   2 Comments

What is the Review Conference, and Why Should You Care?

Between May 31 and June 11, the International Criminal Court will host its first Review Conference in Kampala, Uganda. This is the first opportunity for States Parties to amend the Rome Statute since its creation in 1998. The current diplomatic efforts take on added significance as the present Review Conference is the only one mandated by the Rome Statute.

In recognition of its legislative and symbolic importance, the Kampala Review Conference will bring together the largest collection of senior political figures and non-governmental organizations since the drafting of the Rome Statute. This will include delegations from prominent non-parties – the United States, for example, is expected to be well represented at the conference, with the Obama administration expressing a greater willingness to cooperate with the Court.

The outcomes of the Kampala Review Conference will have a major impact on the shape of the Court for years to come. Here we offer a brief summary of the key topics under discussion.


May 24, 2010   4 Comments