David Suzuki vs Fermented Barley

Sci Week gets David Suzuki, amongst many other pretty interesting activities open to all students.

Arts Week gets lots of bzzr. It’s hard to tell from the official website — which for some reason was never really updated or promoted — but there was Mardi Gras, the Poetry Slam, a Performing Arts Showcase, club booths and some mysterious Gladiator event I can find out nothing about.

Mardi Gras and the Poetry Slam were both 19+ events, so I naturally couldn’t go. Even if I could, I’d only go to the Poetry Slam to see what one is; large parties aren’t my favourite thing. Club booths can be discounted because Science students have that too, and I already joined the ones I wanted last term. Since I was running a fever on the evening of the Performing Arts Showcase, I didn’t go. My first Arts Week thus began and ended on a Tuesday evening.

The Gladiator event was still nowhere to be seen as far as I knew.

It’s probably really hard to organise a week for students of such diverse interests. Arts is likely the most varied discipline at UBC. Regardless, it just seems overly tragic to decide what unites Arts students is a love of malted barley. Two out of the only three running events (club booths don’t count) were 19+. That is two-thirds, which is also the majority. What happens if you — just possibly — don’t like bzzr?

You become an outcast. That means a loner. Like me.

My heart is all broke. I’ll go weep in my corner now.

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