Internal Dialogue

I don’t need people to have conversation. I have myself.

Stimulus: posters in bathroom advertising the mock voting my house will have for the elections tomorrow.

Me: We’re in Canada. Why are we having an election for another country?
Me: These are important elections for the U.S. I should pay attention to politics around the world.
Me: Why don’t we have elections for every country, then? Didn’t Thailand have elections not that long ago? Why don’t we have mock votes for Thailand?
Me: Thailand is not our neighbour.
Me: What about Greenland?
Me: (Is Greenland our neighbour? Anyway.) Greenland is not the most powerful economic force in the world. It is not also huge and it doesn’t share one enormous border with us. What this country votes for will arguably affect us all.
Me: Can’t we extend that argument to any country in the world? North Korea, India… why don’t we have elections for India? That’s the biggest democracy in the world.
Me: Yes, yes (stop getting off-topic), but what happens in the U.S. is more likely to affect other countries.
Me: But what we vote for doesn’t affect what the U.S. people will vote for anyway!

So on and so forth. Endless self-amusement.

And yes, I did check and Greenland is indeed our sort-of neighbour.

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