Bonding with Bugs

Vanier’s bugs are apparently very needy little creatures. One of them flew right into my hoodie on my way back from the Village. Quite a feat, given that there was very little space left with my headphones taking up most of the space between the hood and my head. I had to pull my hood off to free the massive black fly or whatever insect it was.

I have now made my first drug purchase at a pharmacy and will be experimenting to see how Tylenol works on me. There should be guidelines for international students on when you visit the doctor and when you visit the pharmacy. At home I never went to a pharmacy when I was sick; clinics dispensed all sorts of drugs and pharmacies were where I got my lozenges.

The fruit/specialty store in the Village also turns out to be manned by Mandarin speakers. When I’m less groggy, I should go for a closer look. I believe there are some Chinese foods there, but today all I wanted were lemons. I have honey and two kettles. I will be happy with hot honey-and-lemon water, yes yes. But I’m not going to share that with the bugs.

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