
NaNoWriMo, that gloriously crazy creative endeavour that’s taken over my life every November ever since the first year of the IB Diploma. What is it? An attempt to write a 50 000 word novel within 30 days — from scratch. I certainly wrote 50 000 words in both years of the IB (whether they were finished novels or very decent words are completely different and irrelevant matters). Whether I was courting death, or, at the very least, pure exhaustion, I’m not sure. Certainly for some reason I couldn’t manage to write many words last year when I had significantly less to do in first-year uni than during my IB years. Then again, I was winging a story about anthropomorphic mice based on a dream I had when I was about twelve. Needless to say, that didn’t go very smoothly and I gave up Nano for lost after a few days into it last year.

This year, I’m faring better (at least significantly so for the first two days of the month). While I’m writing my story out in a whole bunch of segments and have no clue how to connect these possibly completely unrelated segments together by the end of the month, that’s okay. The point is, I’ve written almost 5000 words to date and have also got three midterms this coming week which I’ve yet to prepare for (!). That’s okay though — I figure being overly busy is my personal key to success and not only will I manage to survive in school, I’ll be able to complete my Nano as well. At least, this is my now daily prayer for the month of November.

So cheer me on!

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