Toronto Travels

The end of Reading Week is drawing nigh and I can happily say that I’ve been having a blast. Since I originally had no midterms or too many major presentations due after Reading Week, I decided to visit some of my closest friends from Hong Kong who are staying at UofT. It’s been fun, it really has been a break, and I’ve even finished off some work assignments while I’m at it.

And I got a co-op placement for the summer as a customer service representative which I am pretty pumped about. No more applications for a while!

A few of my Toronto highlights include discovering the easier, cheaper access to dining out that my friends have. I’ve tried Korean, Indian, Thai and Taiwanese so far, and am just delighted that there is K(orean)town, Greektown, Little India, and Little Italy besides Chinatown.

I also did the touristy thing of going to the CN Tower and getting a good view of Toronto from above… It really is quite huge when you see it sprawling out in every direction. Everything was very flat though — I’d miss Vancouver’s mountains if I were away for any long period of time. There was ice on the lake, which was quite lovely.

We’ve also been watching good things: we saw the musical of Dirty Dancing yesterday and it was so much fun. The first half didn’t have as much singing as I was expecting for a musical — I suppose they focus on the dancing there — but the second one was very energetic. I’ve been YouTubing the finale song and kind of want to see the movie version of it now.

I now really like Slumdog Millionaire too, and rank it as one of my favourite movies.

The people, though, are the best and the real reason why I came. Quite a few people from my year came to UofT to study so we had a high school reunion yesterday and it was so much fun. In fact, I’ve enjoyed myself just as much as I hoped I would when I first thought of the idea, all thanks to my best friends who have been housing and feeding and spending on me for the last few days. All props to them. I really have had a holiday. <3

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