Avaaz.org’s Exit Poll

I am not sure how effective this will be. I am not sure if anything will come out of it or if it is the wisest thing to do.

But I am not sure of anything these days.

Avaaz.org is running a campaign to raise funds for an exit poll for Iran. The aim is to raise $119 000 in the next 24 hours to ask Iranian citizens how they voted, by telephone, and hopefully publicise this to the world media.

I do not know what happens to the money if they don’t get that amount, and do not feel as confident about its success as the organisation does (or at least hopes it will).

This is not to say, “Go forth and donate,” but it is to throw it out there to people who are not aware of it and who might want to be. It’s also to hear more thoughts, more people who will flesh out these bare bones I’m offering.

Maybe it will come to something. Maybe it will not.

But for Iran’s sake, I hope that something happens. It doesn’t have to be from this, but something to make things turn another way, soon.

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