Things I Love Thursday

If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original.
Sir Ken Robinson

The above quote comes from Ken Robinson’s TED talk about schools killing creativity. It’s the phrase that most struck me, perhaps because I am very hard on myself when I make mistakes and strive not to—and maybe this, itself, is my biggest mistake.

Today’s Things I Love Thursday post comes a day early firstly because I missed last week’s post, and secondly because tomorrow is Remembrance Day, and I think, if I were to write anything on the day, it would be on something that acknowledges that.

So here we are:

♥ It’s amazing to many people, I know, but Ken Robinson’s talk is the first TED talk I’ve seen since hearing about these talks three years ago (initially through the UBC Terry Project). I really enjoyed it and mean to watch many more.

♥ Balloons make me so happy! I got a bright yellow, helium-filled balloon last Friday that I attached to the foot of my bed and have been waking up to ever since then. (It’s lasting forever!)

♥ I love food. I love that other people love food. I love that other people love food so much, there is now a FoodPress dedicated to all these people talking about food.

The Book Depository is my new love. With books priced even lower than on Amazon and free shipping worldwide, this UK-based online bookstore makes it hard for me to resist.

Google Map directions from Japan to China and look at direction #43. It is fabulous. (Similarly, map directions from New York to Taipei, and look at #30 and #141.)

♥ The sunsets I get from my window over the ocean are absolutely breathtaking. I’ll probably talk about these all the time.

♥ My friend gave me a recipe for tortilla de patatas (also known as a Spanish omelette) which basically consists of eggs, potatoes and onions. It is absolutely delicious (at least, when she made it), so I’m looking forward to mastering this!

Pon & Zi, created by Jeff Thomas, are some of my favourite cartoon characters ever. I think Pon (the yellow one) is absolutely adorable and can’t help but go, ‘Aww!’

Take, for example:

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