Things I Love Thursday

Life is hectic at the moment as I try to complete my errands and say goodbye to friends before I go back to Hong Kong this weekend. This is short, but there’s been much love around for:

♥ the apple tree in our backyard that is pink with blossom;

only one of the greatest videos ever;

♥ the miraculous healing powers of Vaseline to save chapped lips where no amount of lip balm could help;

♥ a new anonymous blog project I started that is giving me much joy to do;

♥ dim sum with friends at Golden Seafood Restaurant (on West 41st Ave) on Sunday morning;

♥ baking a white-dark-and-peanut butter chocolate and raspberry cheesecake with a friend that is EPICALLY DELICIOUS, and rewatching Big Fish together;

♥ meeting up with my old supervisor and coworkers/awesome friends from my first co-op term and going shopping and chatting with said awesome friends; and,

♥ Skype dating one of my best friends from high school for three hours last night. We only stopped because it was 3 am on her side of the planet and we both needed to go to bed.

Lastly, Sara Bareilles’s ‘Uncharted’ continues to be on constant replay as it captures how I feel lately:


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