Things I Love Thursday

Every week, I share some of the things that make me happy à la Gala Darling. This is my little love post for today:

♥ A few days ago, Binta from the UBC Blog Squad posted a series of emoticons associated with the different stages of a university semester that really is spot on!

♥ Got my confirmation email for organ donation on Monday — hurray!

♥ Someone asked me what I like to do in my spare time and he said, ‘Don’t say “reading”!’ Unfortunately for him (but delightfully for me!), that is indeed the main thing I like to do in my spare time. I love books. Not e-books — paper books, complete with weight in my hands, the sound and feel of turning crisp pages, the smell of new books, the different typographies used, the cover designs, the satisfaction of closing a book and laying it on the table when you’ve read the whole thing.

Free outdoor movies in the summer — what a great idea! I definitely want to go to a few of those. (Outdoor Movies in BC on Facebook have the most up-to-date calendar of events, I believe.)

♥ One of my UBC friends who graduated last year and went home to Thailand is back in town for a fortnight’s visit! Ensue little dance. I can’t wait to see her this weekend!

♥ I realise I’m always talking about food, so in an effort to diversify, I’m squeezing all my food loving into one point. Like finding the first sockeye of the season. The coconut lemon bar that a coworker got for me from the Delly last Friday. Making French onion soup minus the cheese.

♥ I’ve been re-reading Mary Oliver’s book of poetry, Dream Work, and it’s making me happy.

♥ Coldplay’s ‘Strawberry Swing’ is one of the most amazing videos I’ve seen in a while. Can you imagine how much work it was for the artists to put enough drawings together to make this music video? Can you imagine how proud they must be?


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