Calling all Arts Co-op students currently on work terms: Have you submitted your Work Term Learning Objectives yet? They are due in Symplicity today.
For new co-op students who’ve no idea what I’m talking about, these Learning Objectives are the first out of five assignments that co-op students complete while on a work term. This particular assignment is designed to make you take a good look at your job requirements and responsibilities, and to think about what you are hoping to get out of your work term.
You’re also expected to share a copy of your objectives with your supervisor. Not only does it make sure you understand each other’s expectations of your role and responsibilities, it also gives your employer a chance to refer you when projects in line with your goals crop up, e.g. I told my supervisor I want to learn to use SPSS (doable) and Photoshop (not as sure it’s doable within my responsibilities, but if a project does come up, they’ll know who wants it!).
Coming up with learning objectives is made easier by the fact that there’s a form full of questions for you to just answer. I also find it helpful to think about your overarching goal for the term. For example, my first term was also my first full-time position in this country and my first experience in an office environment. Back then, all I wanted was to find out if I could make it in Canada because, you know, Canada has a reputation for being cut-throat and ruthless. This term, it’s all about pushing myself out of my comfort zone more often than I’d like — because boy, do I need to embrace change!