Going through papers and files stockpiled over the course of my UBC years, I found these notes on possible minors I considered a few years back. Some of these I’d never heard of until I started researching, so here’s some food for thought to those of you looking for less obvious choices:
- Anthropology (can emphasise Archaeology)
- Asian Languages and Culture
- Canadian Studies
- Critical Studies in Sexuality
- Family Studies
- Health and Society
- International Relations
- Migration and Globalization Studies
- Religion, Literature and the Arts
- Women’s and Gender Studies
A full list of options for Arts students can be read up through the UBC Calendar. I highly encourage you to take a look at them and consider the different possibilities even before you need to declare your specializations — I didn’t know of half of these minors until I had used a good deal of my electives to do a bunch of language courses and had run out of space and time. With a little earlier planning, I could probably have fit in a minor around the rest of my degree — while I loved the English Honours program, in the last two years I often found myself wishing I’d done a more interdisciplinary minor just to broaden my scope of understanding and to balance out a very specific focus.