Category Archives: Recreation

The Final Stretch!

Less than a week left before the school year is officially over.

Such mixed feelings, especially when I think of how I felt at the beginning of the year.

I was afraid of moving to a new place without my friends, afraid of not making friends as close as my old ones. I panicked every time the slightest thing went wrong (and of course things always go wrong). When classes didn’t turn out the way I expected, I thought I’d made a huge mistake in coming to UBC. I didn’t feel like I belonged. I seriously considered leaving. I was bored out of my wits and simultaneously stressed out all of the time. I was desperately homesick and hung onto everything that reminded me of the way things used to be.

Now I’ve moved from juggling papers and exams to studying and packing. I felt my first wave of homesickness in the longest time today. I discovered T&T sells the same shrimp crackers that I smuggled over from HK. (Although I swear these are smaller, they’re better than nothing.) I’m envious of the people who are going home already. I’m sad to say goodbye to people I’ve met and befriended over the past nine months, as I’ve found out that you can go a long time without seeing someone these days, but it’s also so easy to bump into someone months later and chat anyway. I’m excited about moving out myself, though I’ll miss being able to walk right out of my door to knock on someone else’s and get dinner together. I’m anxious about travelling to Herstmonceux but also hoping that I’ll make the most of the experience. I’m a little regretful that I’m only home for two weeks this summer, but looking forward to that short, precious time so much. I have so many plans for the rest of my summer back here and even more for all the things I’m going to do next year.

I can no longer imagine doing my degree in only three years. Three years is simply not enough for all the things I want to accomplish by the end of my time here.

On April 18th

sleet fell.

ISIC & Lobster Keyrings

I’ve just been to Travel Cuts in the SUB basement and now have a brand-new International Student Identity Card that I am stoked (haha! funny word x2!) about.

For the price of $16 (tax included), and a colour copy of my student photo (available at the copy centre also in the basement for 77 cents), I get a card that guarentees I will get discounts in countries all around the world. It’s valid until next year, so I will definitely let you know if I get my money’s worth and recommend you to get one too or not, as the case may be.

The UBC Bookstore also has some pretty amazing keyrings. The Bookstore is reputed to charge high prices, but I went to see if I could find a good deal regardless. After all, there is no place that sells UBC merchandise quite like the official bookstore. And I really do need to hang my keys off something after I return my UBC Housing & Conferences keystrap at the end of the month.

You can imagine how excited I was to see this massive stuffed red lobster with a matching red UBC T-shirt for $7. $7 might be worth the sight of whipping out a red toy as large as my palm every time I want my keys. Imagine what an excellent conversation starter it would be. “What is that?” “My keyring!” “A lobster?” It makes me grin every time I see it.

There was also this adorable prairie dog that told me it cared and that no child labour was used in its making. It was also $2 cheaper.

After an intense struggle (which involved mental conversions to HK currency), I convinced myself to opt for a metal UBC keyring that will allow me to sport my university pride. It also has the advantages of lasting longer—being made of metal—and making me feel better. When I first came to Canada, I had the unhappy habit of spending money on lots of little things, not realizing how quickly little things can add up. I’ve been doing much better since, and so am proud of myself for resisting the temptation of an attention-seeking bright red lobster.

But it would have made for such excellent conversation!

Robson Ramble

The last Friday and Saturday of term are hard to study on. Everyone wants to celebrate the last day of classes for another school year before they settle into studying.

I am not that much different. On Friday, I was on a mission to find new jeans. Preferably two, if I could find them, but definitely at least one. I went with a couple of girlfriends to Robson Street for window-shopping, which is always fun, but alas, no jeans within an affordable price range. Jeans were within the $40 to $70 price range, while my budget is for $30 at the very most. My mission is not complete just yet, but it will be.

The problem is, of course, that I have options. I have the option of buying my clothes in Hong Kong for anywhere from half the price to an eighth of the price. A fraction. When this option is open to me, I’m loathe to spend more than I need.

Granted, Robson was not the best place to go for such a specific mission. It was still very fun to wander around with friends and to snack, though. I spent more on food than anything else: I had a hot dog, gelato, and then a crepe at Cafe Crepe. Cafe Crepe alone is worth the trip downtown; I was so sad when the one on campus closed down. If I knew how to make crepes, believe me when I say I’d make them!

College Videos

MacKenzie mentioned one of these in her latest post and while I’ve linked it there, I always like to promote it a bit more.

Firstly, though, another speech that I read before:

Steve Jobs’s Commencement Address at Stanford: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish (text)
Video of this on Youtube

And finally, the best one of all:

Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture

(If that link doesn’t work, try this one.)

It’s 100 minutes long but well worth watching.