Category Archives: Recreation

Summer Plans

I’m just spamming my blog today, but I have to say, I’m pretty stoked (new word!).

My summer plans are beginning to shape up nicely. I’m moving out of rez the Saturday before we get kicked out as I want to take advantage of my dear brother’s very useful car when he’s not at work. I’ll return for my last exam on the 29th.

Then I’m off on either April 30th or May 1st to the UK for summer school! I submitted my partner application yesterday; there’s a workshop on the 2nd to tell me more about this. I’ve decided not to stay longer in the UK, and to come straight back here to sort out some stuff for a week. Then I’m off to Hong Kong for two weeks — I just got my return ticket changed to go back in late June.

Then I’m going to book a one-way ticket back here. That’s right, I’m changing home base! Which is pretty exciting since the last time I did this was when I was a year old and can’t even remember it. My round-trip tickets are currently going back to Hong Kong, which doesn’t make sense since I no longer know when my next trip back there will be. Changing home base to Vancouver is simply the most pragmatic thing to do.

Moving my entire CD collection and all my favourite books over here are not for pragmatic reasons at all, though. They’re just going to consolidate the idea that I’m living here and that I’d better find a job here after I graduate, otherwise that will be a lot of pointless moving.

Six weeks of summer school at UBC, a short break before Gala International Orientations, another wee break and then school commences!

Wow, how is it that the second term is flying by so quickly? My first term literally crawled its way out. Three more years really isn’t that long of a time — I think I’m going to start being needy and clinging to my UBC days soon.

What is everyone else planning for the summer (and aren’t you looking forward to it)?

The Birds and the Trees

Okay, I’m curious about what just happened. There is a tree growing moss on its branches right outside my window. A whole flock of birds just landed and hopped around pecking at it. They have now all simultaneously taken off. Were they eating bugs or something?

The mysteries of UBC.

In other news, Celestia is not completely dead. She has just sent forth a new bloom so I am not a complete plant-killer extraordinaire.

Favourite Food Outlets

Now, I don’t consider myself an expert on food by any means. However, today I learned that not everyone is aware of what is available at UBC, so I thought I’d name a whole bunch of places. This is completely biased, of course.

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Someday, I will show it to my children

Heeheehee. Only now, in the middle of the witching hour, do I realize the full extent of what I’ve done.

I have purchased a rather expensive book written and signed by a remarkable man who is a Nobel Peace Prize winner and just so happens to go by the name of Muhammad Yunus.

This is what you get for going to free lectures. (Tickets ran out; there was a screening in the IRC.) It was a good lecture and it made me very happy. The Chan Centre gave him a standing ovation. I’m also rather glad the UBC Bookstore didn’t sell above retail price, but not glad that it’s USD$26 and CAN$32. Darn books that do not reflect the changing ratio.

But still. I had a good evening.


My most wonderful question ever

You know how they say that there are no stupid questions? Well, I honestly don’t think this one was so bad, given my background, but plenty of people will disagree…

So in Anth, I said, “I didn’t look this up, but who is Wayne Gretsky?”

Collective gasp. Someone exclaims: “You’ll get kicked out of the country for that!” A hockey fan couldn’t bear to look at me anymore and put his hat over his face.

My TA tried heroically to collect himself. “So… do you know who Michael Jordan is?” “Yes.” (From Space Jam, firstly, but I didn’t mention that.) “He’s like the Canadian [ice] hockey equivalent, the most famous player.”

I find it funny how “hockey” here is ice hockey and “hockey” at home is field hockey. Anyway.

Every Canadian I’ve spoken to is equally horrified and amused by my ignorance. In my defence, it goes to show that ice hockey is not the all-consuming topic it is here in Hong Kong. For one thing, we have no real ice or snow.

Wayne Gretsky, I shall never forget you now. You leave too many scars on my poor bleeding heart. [fistshake]