Monthly Archives: October 2016

Are you well?

Whether you are a student or a “normal” person, it is important to be in tune with your innards and outtards. Take this quiz to assess your wellbeing (I did!) and if your thetans, photons, or croutons are out of whack, take advantage of the resources at UBC to get in shape.

QP Timelines

This schedule should contain pretty much everything any of us want to know about QP timelines. Note that you should not ever submit a hard copy of your QP form, proposal, or final QP. All documents should be submitted in a digital format.


for December defence
for April defence
(Monday, Week 4 of Term 2; early February) Graduate Advisor arranges a QP committee for any 1st year

PhD student (or a provisional QP committee for any MA student intent on requesting transfer to PhD program), in consultation with the student, no later than this date

Monday, Week 9 of Term 2
(early March)
Monday, Week 3 of Term 1
(mid Sept)
Student emails initial draft of QP proposal to all committee members, cc-ing the Graduate Advisor.

NOTE: Student should have discussed proposal ideas with committee members earlier than this date, at least informally.

Monday, Week 13 of Term 2
(early Apr)
Monday, Week 7 of Term 1
(mid Oct)
Student sends email to Graduate Advisor and Graduate Secretary, cc-ing all committee members, confirming approval of QP proposal and attaching final proposal. Included in that email should be a concrete timeline (work plan) for the QP project as a whole.

Student submits digital copies of the QP proposal and the approval form to Graduate Secretary for filing, and circulates the approved proposal to department email list.

Apr–Aug Oct–Jan Student works on QP research project. During this period, regular corre­spondence and/or meetings with QP readers is expected.
Monday 12 weeks before mini-conference
(Week 3 of Term 1; mid Sept)
Monday 12 weeks before mini-conference
(Week 4 of Term 2; late Jan)
Student submits written draft of QP (at least a partial draft) to all committee members no later than this date.

Student meets with readers to clarify expectations regarding revision process (how many rounds of revisions to expect, turnaround time, etc.)

Monday 8 weeks before mini-conference
(Week 7 of Term 1; mid Oct)
Monday 8 weeks before mini-conference
(Week 8 of Term 2; late Feb)
Student sends email to Graduate Advisor (cc-ed to whole committee), declaring intent to defend in upcoming QP mini-conference.
Monday 6 weeks before mini-conference
(Week 9 of Term 1; late Oct)
Monday 6 weeks before mini-conference
(Week 10 of Term 2; mid March)
Student submits complete written draft of QP to all committee members no later than this date.
Monday 2 weeks before mini-conference
(Week 13 of Term 1; late Nov)
Monday 2 weeks before mini-conference
(Week 14 of Term 2; early April)
Student sends email to Graduate Advisor, cc-ing whole committee, confirming participation in QP mini-conference.
Tuesday 1 week before mini-conference
(Week 14 of Term 1; early Dec)
Tuesday 1 week before mini-conference
(Week 15 of Term 2; mid April)
Student submits defence draft of QP to all committee members
Tuesday 2 weeks after last class (Week 15 of Term 1; early/mid Dec) Tuesday 2 weeks after last class (Week 16 of Term 2; mid April) QP mini-conference
Tuesday 4 weeks after mini-conference
(early/mid Jan)
Tuesday 4 weeks after mini-conference
(mid May)
Student submits revised QP to committee for final approval.
Tuesday 5 weeks after mini-conference Tuesday 5 weeks after mini-conference Student submits to the Graduate Advisor a digital copy of the QP filing form (download from Department website or request from Graduate Advisor/Secretary), signed by all committee members, and a digital copy of the approved QP.

Student circulates approved QP to department email list.

2 weeks after filing of approved QP 2 weeks after filing of approved QP Student submits to the UBC Working Papers in Linguistics an electronic copy of the QP, formatted according to the UBCWPL style sheet.

NOTE: Recognizing that demands of particular research projects may place specific constraints on timelines that conflict with the official schedule, deviations from this deadline can be negotiated with the supervisory committee. Student should notify the Graduate Advisor of any such special arrangements by email (cc-ed to whole committee).

QP Expectations and Best Practices

Expectations Regarding the Timing of QP completion within PhD program

  • Other things being equal, QP1 is expected to be defended in the 1st or 2nd term of Year 2.
  • Other things being equal, QP2 is expected to be defended in the 2nd term of Year 2 or the 1st term of Year 3.
  • Note that the periods when a student is working on QP1 and QP2 will thus normally overlap.

Exceptional extenuating circumstances (e.g. relating to health or other emergencies) can justify holding an individual QP defence outside of the April/December mini-conference events.

Similarly, special circumstances may warrant QP1 and/or QP2 being completed later than in the terms specified above, subject to the approval of the supervisory committee and Graduate Advisor. In any case, both Qualifying Papers must have been completed no later than the 2nd term of Year 3. (Note that all other requirements for advancement to PhD candidacy must likewise have been met before the start of Year 4.)

Comments and feedback: best-practice guidelines

  • For any material submitted to readers or other committee members (e.g. proposals, full or partial drafts of papers), students should expect to receive comments on that material within 2 weeks.
  • Conversely, students should allow for up to 2 weeks before receiving comments from readers on any drafts or other material they intend to submit, and budget their time accordingly (e.g. with respect to the official deadlines on the QP schedule).