Monthly Archives: September 2018

Drop-in office hours (Sept–Dec 2018)

Gunnar will be holding weekly drop-in office hours as (Acting) Graduate Advisor this term on Thursdays @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm in TFS 206. Feel free to drop in if you have anything graduate-program-related that you need (or want) to discuss. No need to book an appointment in advance — that’s what “drop-in” means, after all!

If you need to make an appointment outside of that time slot, just send an email ( to arrange that.

Orientation for new graduate students – handout

Here is the handout that Henry and Gunnar prepared for today’s orientation for our new cohort of Linguistics graduate students. Continuing (or new) ling-grads, feel free to comment if you see anything comment-worthy here!

Of course, this brief handout is no substitute for the much more detailed and tremendously valuable Linguistics grad guide.