Monthly Archives: December 2016

LSA 2017 Linguistic Institute Fellowships

Attention! Applications are now open for the LSA’s 2017 Linguistic Institute!
“Graduate and undergraduate students interested in attending the LSA’s 2017 Linguistic Institute can now begin applications (login required) for student fellowships. A large number of fellowships covering the full cost of tuition are available, as well as four named fellowships which cover additional expenses. The 2017 Linguistic Institute, themed “Language Across Space and Time”, will be held from July 5 – August 1 and hosted by the University of Kentucky. Over the Institute’s four weeks, scores of courses will be offered on introductory and advanced topics across linguistics.”
“All elements of the application, including letters of recommendation, must be submitted by Wednesday, February 1.  Applicants should therefore submit their applications sufficiently early to allow their recommenders to submit letters of reference by the February 1 deadline.  All applicants must be student members of the LSA. To begin the application, visit (LSA member login required); if you’re already logged in to the LSA website, you can click the “Submit Fellowship Application” button on your profile page to begin. If you are not already a student member, you may join the LSA by visiting this page.”