On May 2nd, the RefWorks research tool will be migrating to a Canadian server in response to concerns over privacy of data housed on US servers. (For more information, see this article at University Affairs.)
As a result of the migration, RefWorks users please note the following:
1. RefWorks will be unavailable for most of May 2nd.
2. AFTER May 2nd, log-in access to RefWorks accounts will be from a new URL. If you access RefWorks from a ‘bookmark’ or ‘favourite’, please change your bookmark to this link:
If you access RefWorks from a library webpage, you do not need to make any changes as the links will be changed by the RefWorks administrators.
If you use the RefWorks tools Write-N-Cite, RefGrabit, or RefShare, please read on:
3. Write-N-Cite users will need to download and install the new version of Write-N-Cite from:
4. RefGrabIt users will need to download and install the new version of RefGrabIt from:
5. RefShare webpages will still be available, but have new URLs. The new URLS will be available when you log-in to your account after May 2nd. If you currently link to RefShare webpages, their URLs will need to be updated.
If you have questions about the account move, please contact me. For help with RefWorks or RefShare, you can also visit the UBC Library RefWorks website.