
Dr. Robert Berwick and his Computation Linguistics Research group at MIT have digitized a microfilm copy of the marked-up version of Noam Chomsky’s complete thesis draft (1955-56) “The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory”.

With Chomsky’s permission, the entire file is downloadable at

This is the copy Chomsky was preparing for publication as ”The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory”. It contains Chomsky’s hand-written annotations and several chapters and appendices that were left out of the published version of ”The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory”, including an information-theoretic method to construct linguistic categories that Chomsky developed in conjunction with Peter Elias.

The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory was published by University of Chicago Press in 1975; we have two copies in Koerner at P158 .C5 1975.

UBC students and faculty also have access to the electronic copy of Chomsky’s 1955 Ph.D dissertation “Transformational Analysis” (which contain a few chapters from this document) through the Proquest Dissertations and Theses database.

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