Looking for practice sample sets for Linguistics classes?  Check out MIT’s OpenCourseWare website.

MIT’s Department of Linguistics and Philosophy has made available a number of their course materials ranging  from introductory classes to graduate seminars. The material available varies widely – sometimes you get just get an outline of the course and selected lecture notes, but in other cases you get sample assignments and exams (with and without solutions), problem sets,  complete lecture notes, and audiovisual materials.

Courses with course materials include:

Click here for the full list of courses.

To read more about the history and philosophy behind the MITOpenCourseware project, visit the OCW Project about page.


Txtng : the Gr8 Db8 by David Crystal

“Do young people text as much as people think? Do adults? Does texting spell the end of literacy? Is there a panic in the media? David Crystal looks at the evidence. He investigates how texting began and who uses it, why and what for. He shows how to interpret its mix of pictograms, logograms, abbreviations, symbols, and wordplay, and how it works in different languages. He explores the ways similar devices have been used in different eras and discovers that the texting system of conveying sounds and meaning goes back a long way, all the way in fact to the origins of writing – and he concludes that far from hindering literacy, texting may turn out to help it.”
[Oxford University Press]

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