(Photo by dullhunk)
Seats are still available for tomorrow’s (free) talk on “Transformative Change in the System of Scholarly Communication & Publishing Worldwide: the Case for Open Access to Research“. The 3-member panel will speak on the following topics:
Dr. John Willinsky – Why the fuss over open access?
Dr. Francis Ouellette – Why are grant funding agencies advocating for open access to research?
Dr. Carl Bergstrom – Eigenfactor.org: A new methodology for evaluating influence rankings of scholarly articles and journals.
The event takes place on Thursday May 3 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at UBC’s Michael Smith Laboratories. To register, please sign up at http://toby.library.ubc.ca/booking/description.cfm?sessionid=3980.
Presented by the BC Research Libraries Group.