UBC Library subscribes to hundreds of online resources to support research across the disciplines at UBC. In Linguistics, there are several databases you might search depending on your area of focus. All linguists would find the essential Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) useful, while those interested in language, new media, and communication could explore Communication and Mass Media Complete. Linguists interested in stylistics or the language of folklore might turn to the Modern Language Association’s MLA database, and graduate students love the fulltext of dissertations available through Proquest Theses and Dissertations.
Until now, there was no way to search all four of these at once. Now you can! Introducing MetaLib, a new search tool that enables you to search multiple databases simultaneously.
If you’re interested in exploring this tool, come to a library session Introducing MetaLib this Wednesday, September 26 from 1-2pm in Koerner 217. In this session, we’ll give you an overview of MetaLib and show you how you can use it to search across a set of pre-defined databases in a broad area like Newspapers, select databases from a specific specific subject area such as Linguistics, or create your own set of databases to search.
Register for the session here, and try out MetaLib beforehand here.