UBC Library has joined SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), the Public Library of Science (PLoS), and Students for FreeCulture and 65 other institutions in the First International Open Access Day.
What is Open Access?
Open Access is a growing international movement that uses the Internet to throw open the locked doors that once hid knowledge. It encourages the unrestricted sharing of research results with everyone, everywhere, for the advancement and enjoyment of science and society.
(From: http://openaccessday.org/what-is-open-access)
To help us celebrate this event we are proud to present a number of distinguished speakers in our community who will be describing how they participate in the open access movement.
Schedule of Events
Introduction to Open Access & cIRcle: UBC’s Information Repository
11am– 12:20pm
Joy Kirchner and Hilde Colenbrander (UBC Library)Using Wikipedia in the Classroom: an OA medium for research and student work
1 pm – 1:40 pm
Dr. Jon Beasley-Murray (Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies, UBC)The Public Knowledge Project: providing open source software for OA publishing
2 pm – 2:40 pm
Brian Owen (SFU Library)Open Medicine: a peer-reviewed, independent, open-access general medical journal
3 pm – 3:40 pm
Dr. Anita Palepu (Internal Medicine, UBC)OA Day Worldwide Webcast: taxpayer access to publicly funded research
4 pm – 5 pm
Keynote address: Sir Richard Roberts, Ph.D., F.R.S
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Dodson Room (302)