March 31st, 2010 by Susan Atkey | No Comments »

Looking for practice sample sets for Linguistics classes? Check out MIT’s OpenCourseWare website.
MIT’s Department of Linguistics and Philosophy has made available a number of their course materials ranging from introductory classes to graduate seminars. The material available varies widely – sometimes you get just get an outline of the course and selected lecture notes, but in other cases you get sample assignments and exams (with and without solutions), problem sets, complete lecture notes, and audiovisual materials.
Courses with course materials include:
Click here for the full list of courses.
To read more about the history and philosophy behind the MITOpenCourseware project, visit the OCW Project about page.
Posted in Assignments, Tips and Tricks, What's New? | No Comments »
November 7th, 2006 by Susan Atkey | No Comments »
I’ve had a few questions from students in LING 311 (Studies in phonology) looking for books and articles. I’m posting some tips for those of you who are still looking for resources on the phonology of your language.
To find books, try a search in the library catalogue. A keyword search for “phonology and (yourlanguage)” will usually turn up some results. When you look at the catalogue record for a book that looks good, notice the hyperlinked subject headings:

You can click on those subject headings to find more on that same topic. You’ll notice in the screen shot above, one of the subject headings is Spanish language–Phonology. You can also use that same format to do a Subject Heading search in the catalogue. (Remember to replace “Spanish” with whatever language you are interested in! And don’t forget to select “subject Heading” as your search type – the default is keyword.)
To find articles on phonology, the best place to search for journal articles is the Linguistics and Lanugage Behavior Abstracts database, which indexes all the main phonology and linguistics journals. Try a search for your topic and then click on the UBC eLink icon to find a copy of the article (if UBC Library subscribes to that journal, of course!)

Posted in Assignments, Phonetics | No Comments »