The Chocolate Bond to classmate)

I have to admit that Milka’s idea about the missing piece of chocolate is ingenious. When talking about chocolate, people always associate it with gorgeous words like “romantic” and “sweet”. And this idea undoubtedly strengthen people’s feeling. Just imagine that after going back home, you open your mailbox, finding an envelop with a piece of chocolate and greeting words from your friend. It is a really nice surprise, isn’t it?

As the technology becomes more advanced, people are increasingly relying on electronic goods, leading to less face-to-face communication. As a result, people are estranged from each other. Some people keep sending texts even when they are having lunch with their family or friends. Milka’s offering can narrow the gap between people, adding a savor to people’s lives. This marketing ideas can capture customers attention and leave a deep impression on customer. In addition to this, customer make tag words such as “tender” , ” thoughtful” and “innovation” to the brand, Milka.

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