Recorded talks
- On November 6, 2024, I spoke on the online panel “The crash of the international student ‘market’: Causes, consequences, and the future of Canadian higher education.” You can watch a recording here.
- On March 7, 2024, I co-presented the paper “Classifications and clarifications: Rethinking international student mobility and the voluntariness of migration” at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) annual conference with Bernhard Streitwieser. Our presentation was part of the panel “Contesting borders and centering learners: Global migration across four continents.”
- On March 15, 2024, I spoke at the Canadian Bar Association BC Immigration Law conference in Vancouver on the topic of “Immigration Issues for International Students” alongside Katie Lay (MKS Immigration Lawyers) and Will Tao (Heron Law Offices).
- In April 2024, I joined a UBC delegation to promote the Centre for Migration Studies’ research in Ottawa. We presented our research to policymakers and legislators.
- In August 2024, I presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) annual conference in Dublin. The paper was part of the panel “Unpacking the migration-higher education nexus: Actors, policies, and power” for the section on Knowledge Politics and Policies.
- In September I presented on the “Impact of changing identities and public perceptions on newcomer experiences” panel at the AMSSA Leadership Forum in Burnaby.
- In October 2024, I co-presented “The negotiation of Canadian citizenship narratives in the settlement sector” with Adrienne Bale and Marcela Fuller at the Metropolis Identities Summit in Vancouver
- In November 2024, I co-presented “Narrating nationhood: Depictions of Indigenous-settler relations in Canadian citizenship and newcomer guides” with Antje Ellermann at the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association biennial conference in Edmonton.
- Also in November 2024, I presented on and chaired multiple panels at the Pathways to Prosperity national conference in Vancouver.
Collaborative research
- From Feb. 2022 to Jan. 2023, I was a York University research assistant for the SSHRC-funded project International Students are “Ideal” Immigrants: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Study-Migration Pathways in Canada, Australia and Germany (PI: Roopa Trilokekar Desai). As a team, we are preparing publications based on the data collected. I co-presented research from this project at the following:
- 2022 International Metropolis Conference in Berlin
- 2022 Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference in Las Vegas
- 2023 DAAD Science Workshop (Wissenschaftswerkstatt)
- I am a member of the Canadian migration and collaborative autoethnography research (CAMCAR) group which explores the use of collaborative autoethnography in migration research. We have published three papers together so far, and a fourth is in preparation.
- I supported an amazing group of Bachelor of Education students with their Decolonization, SOGI, and Teacher Identity: B.Ed. Self-Reflective Writing Project, which received a 2021-2022 UBC Faculty of Education Student Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID) Funding Grant. Check out the zine they created!
- From Feb. 2022 to Jan. 2023, I was a York University research assistant for the SSHRC-funded project International Students are “Ideal” Immigrants: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Study-Migration Pathways in Canada, Australia and Germany (PI: Roopa Trilokekar Desai). As a team, we are preparing publications based on the data collected. I co-presented research from this project at the following: