Author Archives: loriferg

The Theme of Water in Life of Pi

It is interesting to consider what role the theme of water plays in Life of Pi.  The effect that water has on Pi is mentioned early in the novel on page 7: “The first time I turned a tap on, its noisy, wasteful, superabundant gush was such a shock that my legs collapsed beneath me and I fainted in the arms of a nurse”.  In addition, Pi is actually named after his “aquatic guru”s favourite swimming pool in Paris, la piscine Molitor.  Martel is careful to show that only Pi is drawn to the water so strongly when he writes that his “parents never took to water” (8).

Instead of analyzing the water theme from only a physical perspective, I would like to explore this theme from a mental or emotional one, mainly in respect to Pi’s subconscious state on his voyage.  There is a common analogy of representing human consciousness with an iceberg.  While the tip of the iceberg can be seen (the conscious mind), there exists a huge amount of ice under water that we cannot see (the subconscious mind).  In her article “Mind over Matter”, Karen Rains, a therapist, explains the iceberg comparison this way: “The conscious mind is the part above the water and the subconscious mind is the vast ocean of “stuff” hiding below.  It contains everything we have ever done, thought, said, imagined, learned, forgotten [or] felt”. ( I believe that Pi’s lifeboat and raft symbolize his conscious mind because that is where he eats, sleeps and shares his time with Richard Parker.

By contrast, the Pacific Ocean may represent Pi’s subconscious mind, as it is an environment over which he has no bodily control.  Furthermore, the water is at times filled with sharks or swirled into threatening storms. While the ocean does provide food and a place for Pi to float his solar stills, it is still his constant enemy.

Finally, is it Pi’s subconscious that metamorphoses the cook, the sailor and Pi’s mother into the animals?  When the “real” world on the boat become just too much for the boy to bear, his subconscious mind protects the conscious one by letting his imagination take over. As soon as Pi reaches Mexico, he no longer need Richard Parker’s company, but he still wishes he had had the chance to say good bye to his friend properly: “ “Richard Parker, it’s over. We have survived. Can you believe it?  I owe you more gratitude than I can express.  I couldn’t have done it without you. . . .Thank you for saving my life” (317).

By being immersed in the “ocean” of his subconscious, Pi draws upon the strengths of his character that he did not know existed back in his simple life in Pondicherry. His ingenuity and resolve to survive, no matter what the conditions, transforms him from a quiet boy into a courageous young man. “You must make adjustments if you want to survive.  Much becomes expendable.  You get your happiness where you can.   You reach a point where you’re at the bottom of hell, yet you have your arms crossed and a smile of your face, and you feel you’re the luckiest person on earth.  Why? Because at your feet you have a tiny dead fish”.

Comments for “Into Thin Air”

In regard to Jon Krakauer’s “Into Thin Air” article, the phrase “truth is better than fiction” certainly applies.  Even though I read the novel years ago, I still cannot fathom how Jon survived his daunting endeavour.  The fact that he can retell his experience in such a gripping fashion makes it seem obvious as a great read for high school students.  Due to its length and technical language, I would prefer to assign it to a Grade 11 or 12 class for discussion. This text gives rise to the issues of striving for one’s personal dreams and goals.  Jon mentions that climbing Everest had always been a childhood dream, and once he was given the chance to join an expedition, he simply could not refuse.  I believe everybody has a special dream or goal that may or may not be kept secret, and the realization of this dream can be the zenith of that individual’s life.

Before assigning the article for reading, I would first ask the class as a group for information anyone had about Mt. Everest and Sir Edmund Hillary.  I believe that most of the class would know that Hillary was the first to climb the peak, but some may not.  For that reason I would hand out a succinct Hillary biography to ensure all the students knew the basic facts about him.  For example, the teacher could go to or to any number of websites that easily catalogue his amazing life.

Next I would hand out a worksheet that required the students in paired groups to match the technical name of the most frequent physical ailments Everest climbers encounter to its definition.  These are some of the medical conditions I found most often mentioned in Krakauer’s article; cerebral edema, hypothermia, hypoxa, dementia, frostbite and gangrene. Once the class had finished this activity, I would hand out about half the article for reading homework, and I would also give the students class time to finish the rest of it.

For the next part of the lesson, I would ask the students to reflect on why so many men and women risk their lives to reach the summit of Everest.  For my part, I would share the story of my goal to complete a triathlon, even though I had doubts that I could physically and mentally accomplish it.  I would describe the weeks of training I endured, the support I received from friends and family, and finally what it felt like when I crossed the finish line two hours and twenty minutes after beginning the race.  Since Krakauer was so honest with his personal narrative, I would then ask the students to write an essay describing a goal or dream they have, or one that they have already achieved.  I would also give the class the option of writing an essay of  someone else’s dream that was realized if he or she did not feel comfortable sharing these very personal thoughts in writing.

Hearing of an individual’s courage to fulfill his or her dream is not only inspiring but also very human in nature.  As long as there are mountains to climb, there will always be those who ache to conquer them.