Personal Narrative Essays



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1 Response to Personal Narrative Essays

  1. lindi nolte says:

    For the most part, the teaching and re-teaching process of this activity went smoothly and was successful. When Emily retaught my lesson, she used most of the same language that I used to explain the concept of a personal, 5 paragraph narrative essay. I think I could have explained the ‘elements of story’ more thoroughly so that she had the language to re-explain it later.
    Through the re-teaching of this material I learned that I needed to slow down in the middle section of the explanation so that the idea of developing action and plot in the essay could be better understood by my students. I realized that I rushed over the importance of transition words and the necessity for sensuous language in a narrative essay.
    I was happy to see that she was able to re-teach the main criteria that needed to be fulfilled in order to write a successful narrative essay.
    It was evident that I had clearly communicated and taught the relevancy of learning essay writing skills because Emily was able to convey those reasons to the group.
    As a whole, I found this experience beneficial to my practice and I hope to do it again in the future. I feel like I now have a better understanding of the difficulties students might encounter when learning essay writing skills.

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