Scott’s Text and Visual Aid

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1 Response to Scott’s Text and Visual Aid

  1. Scott K. says:

    Very clear and concise!

    Aside from few details on proper terms used (such as using ‘section’ instead of ‘column’), I was very surprised at the amount of information my presenter was able to memorize.
    I would even say my presenter has delivered the information more smoothly than myself.

    Of course, that’s a problem for me because I wasn’t able to reflect much on what normal secondary students might miss, aside from few nit-pickings…

    Since we will use the terms in actual classes over and over during and after the Layout unit, I’m not very worried about my students not being able to familiarize with the technical terms at all, so this shouldn’t be much of a problem.

    I should however, make more emphasis on how the Layout should be built from center to outside, pictures first and then texts; for the idea of text box cannot exist between pictures is one thing my presenter misunderstood.

    The advantage of knowing this ‘standardized guideline shared across the world’ could be explained further, so I should make bigger impression of this feature when I teach my students next year.

    Overall, great presentation; hopefully my structure of the lesson contributed partly to the smooth work by my presenter…

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