Within the five-minute time frame, Sarah did a great job of identifying some of the key themes that F. Scott Fitzgerald identifies throughout his novel. She mentioned that for some, The Great Gatsby might be a rather dry novel to discuss. With that, she was able to touch on four key aspects that relate to ours students today: The Celebrity, Persona, Materialism, and Social Networking. Personally, I should have given an example of someone today who embodies all four of these key aspects, much like I did through my practicum. By identifying a single individual, like Kanye West or Kim Kardashian, I believe the lesson would have been structured in a way that allowed for more conversation of each idea. The main theme of the magazine was to expose this lifestyle in a sense of “awe,” when really, we know there’s little to be desired.From there, I could have asked them to critically make connections between people now, and our characters in the novel. What is so influential about social networking in the 1920’s? Why is this important to Gatsby? With that, how about the relationship between Daisy and Materialism? By incorporating a sense of reliability into the 5-minute lesson, I think I could have made my mark with a more direct and confident voice.

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