Pottery Owls


The Zuni Pottery Owls, from the Zuni nation in New Mexico, really stood out to me. I have had a few encounters with owls that are negative, but the meaning behind these ones are so powerful. My experience is one where I was going for a run late at night and an owl came from behind and grabbed my pony tail with its’ talons. I thought that I was being attacked by a human at the time and thought that it was going to be worse that it actually was. Ever since, I have had a negative opinion about owls. However, when I stumbled upon these owls today, I saw them in a different light. They are delicate, intricate and created with so much love and meaning.  The write up at MOA about these Owls states that people of the Zuni nation created them because owls are considered wise and great protectors. Protectors? This is the complete opposite of my experience. The Zuni nation would sell these owls to tourists that came to the area during the 20th century. Today, many artists try to replicate them, but they are not filled with the distinctive family styles and intricacies that the original owls had. Unfortunately, settlers try to remake them so that they can gain a profit. It is clear to me that I come from such a different culture with such different experiences and I am naïve to the meaningfulness behind many native artworks and traditions.

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