MOA Experience- Brooke image2
My experience at the MOA was quite fascinating. With business education being my subject area, there are many ways that I am able to incorporate aboriginal culture within my classroom. These baskets are one of the many cultural pieces that were traded or sold to develop and increase the aboriginal economy. I also found it fascinating that the women of this community were heavily involved within the production of the basket weaving- they were actually predominately produced by women. It got substantially harder to create their baskets because  of the specific land restrictions which, forced the women to go further and further outside of their community to gather their materials to for production. This in turn makes it considerably more difficult for these women to run their business. We have discussed in our class how Aboriginal people’s may not have traded their product for profit rather they traded their baskets (or food) simply to meet their needs and possibly increase their status within their community therefore, not having easy access to materials would alter their production and jeopardize their status within their community.   

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