La voix passive (the passive voice)

New grammatical concept in French

Regarde les phrases suivantes: 




Le ménage est fait par John.

John fait le ménage.


Le livre est lu par Pierre.

Pierre lit le livre.


Henri est respecté par tout le monde.

Tout le monde respecte Henri.

  1. What can you say about the sentences in the “A” column?  What is emphasized?
  2. What can you say about the sentences in the “B” column?  What is emphasized
  3. What is the grammatical rule you have observed? Do you know this grammatical rule in English? 



You did well explaining the meaning of the sentences.
Well done getting the students to participate actively by reading the sentences aloud.
You sounded confident and patient.
You helped the students who were struggling.
You explained what the passive voice is at the end, as you were supposed to.
My visual aid would have been better if I had included some pictures and colours.
Great job overall!

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