Semir Ivziku – MOA Field Trip Image Narrative

MOA Image

In Suits

From a capitalist perspective: Corporate world of North America, one that is highly dominated by suits, business degrees and an understanding of the world in the symbol of currency. It is often referred to a ‘dog eat dog’ world, one in which the focus is profit and not so much the humanity. In this world your weakness has to become your strength, your strength becomes your profit margin and your profit margin becomes your bread and butter. In this world there is not time for sleep, for if you take your eye off the ball your competition will gladly take it away from you. Take what away from you? Can anyone take anything that does not exist? Does money really exist in this new age of visas and loans? Do interest rates really offer you interest or look after your needs? The business world is as such that these questions do not really matter because when you are wearing that suit what counts is how quick you sell your product and how quickly you move on to the next one. The suit holds more power in today’s world than ever before. Question is, what are you wearing?

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