We were pulled from the sea


Raven had been flying for what had felt like ages. The world was his to roam alone. Each place he went, he learned about the land. For years he had watched the plants and animals go about their lives. Raven was exceptionally social, but none of the plants or animals ever took notice of him. No-one would play or hunt with Raven and so he would always continue along the land in search of someone to talk to.

One day while searching for fish, Raven saw a bright flicker beneath the waves. Raven was very curious so he snatched the object from the water to find out what it was. A large clam sat before him. Small pink sticks reached out from its opening. There were creatures inside! Raven moved closer to get a better look and saw that the creatures were cramped and scared inside their small shell. Raven had never seen these creatures before so, with his strong beak, he opened the shell and out fell several light skinned animals without fur or feathers. The animals didn’t run, instead they began to follow Raven. Raven thought they were funny and so he decided to show them the world. He showed the creatures fire, cedar, and salmon and taught them the secrets of how to hunt. Raven showed them how to live with land and taught them how to take care of the plants and animals.

Very soon the creatures grew to be strong, courageous, and compassionate. Raven was proud of what he had done. He was no longer alone. He spent the rest of his days watching over the creatures he had pulled from the sea.

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