Re Teaching Assignment

Photo on 2016-05-30 at 10.41 AM

For the assignment I chose to teach Christine six different types of stages found in Theaters across the globe. The picture above is what the cheat sheet I used and the photo below is one of the six pages I had used on my practicum. The worksheet I used to teach her was from my practicum school and used to teach grade 8 drama students. My cheat sheet for Christine consisted of simple drawings condensed onto one page so  that she could use while drawing on the board in front of our group. The picture is key while teaching this to students so they understand the audiences relation to the stage. Christine did a wonderful job re teaching and answering questions from the group. She was confident and was even able to use humor while teaching.  She also used the visual aid to help answer the questions. The only thing I forgot to mention to her was the order of the creation of stages and where they could be found around the world, but that was due to the time restraint

Photo on 2016-05-30 at 10.41 AM #2.

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