MOA Field Trip

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The best part of being an English/Theatre major is the freedom and creativity in interpretation. When I saw this collection of framed works I immediately thought of being in a home. A place where art is celebrated and appreciated. A place where a photo or painting is more than a drawing but instead it represents a family. Anyways, here is the monologue/creative writing thing that was inspired from the photo above … (Interpret it how you will.)

Sitting beside a crackling wood stove; I stare in astonishment at the history that lines of the walls of my grandmother’s home. A museum where my families history is the main exhibit. Walls dripping with images, fabrics, scents that define who I am and who our family is. The most appetizing Sunday is spent here. Curled up with a novel, soft music adding to the atmosphere and a purring kitten at the tip of your toes. My grandmother sits across from me. She is smiling. I can see from the beautiful cracks in her porcelain skin; that she has lived a admirable life. She is the tree that roots our family and her home is our shelter.

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