Author Archives: AmyZanusso

Eat, Sleep, and Breathe Literacies

Group Media Project: We will be filming the day in the life of a high school student. He will use his love of soccer in order to understand different literacies. The film will follow him through Physics, Art, Biology, and … Continue reading

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Responsible Apple Eating

Responsible Apple Eating by Georgia, Amy, Tessa, Andrew, Arshbir

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I was very interested to find these Aboriginal cradles in the gallery at the MOA. I chose to capture this photo because I am fascinated by how they are still used today! During my CFE, I was fortunate enough to … Continue reading

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My Last Duchess text trade

Andrew did a wonderful job reteaching the content and purpose of the dramatic monologue “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning. He was able to utilize the visual to explain the purpose of  and the criteria that make up a dramatic … Continue reading

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Last painted piece dies Pictured countenance turned Earnest glance thus came

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