Author Archives: calvin patterson

In 1774, Spanish explore Juan Perez came across the islands of Haida Gwaii while looking for lands to claim on the northern coast. As he sailed closer to land he and his crew could spot massive buildings along the shore … Continue reading

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www.classtab.org_cheung_bat_orchid TABLATURE SHEET Guitar Tab Lesson Feedback: – Very good reiteration of the lesson. – Very encouraging of students, getting them to be involved in the lesson. – Mentioned to students to practice while teacher walks around to help. – … Continue reading

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Reading Across the Curriculum

This link is to the group reading presentation for the week 2 readings. Presenters were Brett Harrison, Calvin Patterson, Joel Bron, Mike Schell, Sam Stackhouse and Shelby Majchrzak in LLED 361 925. This is a google slides presentation.

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Key signature scale Measured with fret and fingering Bar is flat and sharp

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