Category Archives: MOA Field Trip


Enter MOA and you will find out how diverse humanity is! There are artifacts from Central America: North America Asia Africa Travelling around the world, you can see so many different things! A horned depiction of the supernatural in Central America A … Continue reading

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MOA Field Trip

When I was at the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver, I saw many interesting cultural objects such as hand carved canoes, and totem poles as well as a Shiva statue from my native India. The totem poles reminded me of … Continue reading

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In 1774, Spanish explore Juan Perez came across the islands of Haida Gwaii while looking for lands to claim on the northern coast. As he sailed closer to land he and his crew could spot massive buildings along the shore … Continue reading

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MOA Mask Carving

I have been to the Museum of Anthropology several times now and this wood carved masked grabs my eyes every time I am there.  I have probably spent more time looking at this mask than any other piece in the … Continue reading

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“Recording History” – MOA Visit

Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun wrote that he’s “interested in recording history: worldwide concerns such as the hole in the ozone layer; environmentalism, humanities, humour, and exestentialism.” More so, through traditional native iconography, he collaborates with numerous aboriginal issues to display very … Continue reading

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Pottery Owls

The Zuni Pottery Owls, from the Zuni nation in New Mexico, really stood out to me. I have had a few encounters with owls that are negative, but the meaning behind these ones are so powerful. My experience is one … Continue reading

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I was very interested to find these Aboriginal cradles in the gallery at the MOA. I chose to capture this photo because I am fascinated by how they are still used today! During my CFE, I was fortunate enough to … Continue reading

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MOA exercise – By Georgia

You are probably wondering why on earth I would select this photo ?; the picture is of two ceremonial pieces worn by Papuan New Guineans. You look at me and make judgements about who I am. I am caucasian, and … Continue reading

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