Category Archives: Uncategorized

Photography Class

Brightness or darkness is determined by the size of the aperture

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Absolute Value

absolute value positive, negative always positive

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Socials Haiku

First Past The Post Votes Versus A Proportional Representation

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Georgia’s Haiku

way last week landlord high and mighty eviction Copper…Iron cell

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lateral pause lunge plyometric? inverted? activate and roll

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Key signature scale Measured with fret and fingering Bar is flat and sharp

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Last painted piece dies Pictured countenance turned Earnest glance thus came

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Unperson (v.)

Minitrue? Newspeak. Ministry of Love, concerned: Gorilla truncheons.

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Haiku to transend generations

Ortho projection Front view side view plan view! Title block and done!

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Into equal parts Swing the ruler up or down Draw at an angle

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