Category Archives: Uncategorized

What is the meaning behind the totem pole? Is there an ancestral meaning? Is the meaning to be shared? Has the meaning changed over time? How were the characters chosen and why? What inferences can we make? Totem poles have … Continue reading

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MOA Field Trip Assignment

I’ve decided to create my narrative through visual art represented here in the piece titled ‘Belonging’ Oil Pastel on Watercolour. As long as I can remember I’ve felt like an odd duck. I never fit in well with my peers … Continue reading

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Portrait of a Residential School Girl-MOA

Above are two photos, one is a piece from a collection called “Portrait of a Residential School Girl” and the other is a passage describing the piece. I turned a corner in the MOA and this piece caught my eye immediately. … Continue reading

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The above photo is of a bentwood box of a First Nations tribe, brought to the Museum of Anthropology. Teachers wanting to use an object such as this in the math classroom can use concepts such as Surface Area and … Continue reading

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Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun work called “Gone Green” This painting caught my eye as it is comprised of different shades of green and I love the color green. It is meant to represent trees and the belief that trees are sentient … Continue reading

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MOA field trip

Haida Hot Dog Haida Hot Dog Hello, Haida Hot Dog. Love that alliteration. Why did I choose you, Haida Hot Dog? Because you made me feel warm and fuzzy and you made me laugh. It’s basic, 14 year old boy humour. … Continue reading

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MOA Fieldtrip

What do you see? I see a violin. I see a guitar. I see a fan. I see a weapon. I see an abstract sculpture. People have different ways of seeing and understanding the world.

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text trade

MY GRAPHIC TEACHING INSTRUMENT THE TEXT THE RESULTS The teacher was very confident in transcribing the equation. He really understood how to break it down. He did NOT understand the objective aspect, essentially the second part of the equation. He … Continue reading

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   This carving by Joseph Kandimbu of the “Man from Tari” captured me in a way that I can’t truly explain. Standing alone in the middle of the path, this amazing work of art made me stop in silence and … Continue reading

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MOA motorcycle

The Wicker Motorcycle The medium this was made in is very unusual as you would never see a bike made of this material. The older style of construction is contrasting a piece of fairly new technology. The bike is a … Continue reading

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