Category Archives: Uncategorized

Moose vs Polar Bear

The North and South of the world were at war with each other over a container of never-ending water.  After long and tiresome battles, the two generals of each faction decided to end the war once and for all. Moose … Continue reading

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MOA – canoe

My father has been away for a week now. He is out with the other men from my house. They go out every year and collect salmon. When they get home my mother and I take all the fish and … Continue reading

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Narrative response, Boy and Bear

A boy’s walked past old trees as he neared his friend, Bear. Bear’s hind-legs were folded tight under his haunches, his forelegs pressing into the earth, as if the world were rising up from beneath him, and he had to … Continue reading

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The Mask

The mask is a cover, which has two sides front and the back. The front cover is something how you want to show yourself to the world and create your personality that you want the world to see you as. … Continue reading

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the house dish

Kukwalit (A house dish), Beaver We call ourselves the Lawitsis people on Turnour island.  When we were growing up, I remember helping mother prepare food for the potlatch.  We had prepared a large quantity of fish with herbs from the … Continue reading

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MOA Field Trip

The best part of being an English/Theatre major is the freedom and creativity in interpretation. When I saw this collection of framed works I immediately thought of being in a home. A place where art is celebrated and appreciated. A … Continue reading

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Re Teaching Assignment

For the assignment I chose to teach Christine six different types of stages found in Theaters across the globe. The picture above is what the cheat sheet I used and the photo below is one of the six pages I … Continue reading

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MOA Field Trip

Today we celebrate the success of the hunts with a giant feast. My mother is one of those in charge of the food and is using her bowl that she inherited from her mother before her. We have spent a … Continue reading

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We were pulled from the sea

Raven had been flying for what had felt like ages. The world was his to roam alone. Each place he went, he learned about the land. For years he had watched the plants and animals go about their lives. Raven … Continue reading

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Leon Lam – MOA – Guan Yu

The business world is a dog eat dog world, but it is possible to not compromise honor and success. Guan Yu, depicted at the center of the picture was a righteous and honorable general from the three kingdoms era in … Continue reading

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