Author Archives: sasha forster

Proxy Poem

What Do I Remember Of Your Death

By Sasha Forster


I remember sitting with you

Watching one of your favorite movies

And enjoying the relaxing day off of school

What do I remember of your death?

I remember asking if you wanted

anything from the kitchen

and your response was

a ragged half breath

What do I remember of your death?

I remember hoping that you were

Playing a game and that this

Was not really happening to you

(After all the doctor had just

Released you the day before

With a clean bill of health and only

The request that you stop drinking)

What do I remember of your death?

I remember the pain of having to make the choice

between life support and release.

How I was 18 and looked upon as the

Only one who could decide because

Your fiancée was to drunk or high or


I remember the way that you used to

Smile so bright

And the doctor telling me you would

Never smile again

I remember thinking that

God will look after you now because

I am the one who

killed my mom.


My Three Poem Choices:


Equal Opportunity and Two Prisoners



Remix Renga

The hugest ladybug flew without wings

because a manchild cleaved it’s fucking wings and hurled it so,

gravity, the entitled, consistend, and antagonistic child could not stop it,

scratching the carapace of cheese like a diamond over glass

and struggling forward.

Hell is real.

becuase of the warmth I feel

in foolish Philip J. Fry’s pocket sand

which fell out and on to a lucky miniature horse

rolling down when Paco bought his bike

“This is stupid” Michael whimpered

before he realized that this was better than last time.

Home, Assignment One

All tucked in

The moonlight shining on the window pain

When the sky opens up and it starts to rain


The rooster crows

The day is ready to go

The smell of the rain lingers

The sun’s rays are like tiny fingers

Massaging me with their warmth


All tucked in

The moonlight shining through the window pain

When the sky opens up and it starts to rain


Fresh cut grass

Blowing in the gentle breeze

Listening carefully

To the sound of the trees

As they whisper just for me


All tucked in

The moonlight shining through the window pain

When the sky opens up and it starts to rain


Dark and Dusty

You cleaned up the mess

You tilled and toiled and planted the seeds

Creating new life where the old had abandoned

Established new hope in a space previously held by sadness and dispair

What was cracked and lifeless now does elate

You stepped back to enjoy your work

The shadow around you continued to envelope

With you gone should all this deflate?