Choices and Possibilities

The benefits of using text sets when teaching literature, particularly giving students the option of choosing their own texts and themes, really resonates with me. In grade 10, my English teacher took this approach in our literature circle unit, where we were able to choose our own books from the library to study (as our canon-studying friends in the other classes watched with envy). My practicum school is known for having the largest variety of texts in their book room among the schools in Richmond, including novels and graphic novels such as The Hunger Games, The Book of Negroes, Watchmen, American Born Chinese, The Help, The Kite Runner, and other counter-canon titles, which offers students autonomy in their literature studies.

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1 Response to Choices and Possibilities

  1. JuliusFrancia says:

    Hey Vicky, great post! It’s quite powerful to have students choose their own texts and themes, I wish for my poetry unit during practicum I did the same (I went the typical Shakespeare route). Glad your practicum school had an abundance of resources whereas my practicum school was the opposite (luckily I did not have to teach any novels)! As you recommended last class, I hope to be able to teach these “counter-canon” texts, in particular Death-note! I don’t know how I’ll squeeze it in but I’m sure I’ll find a way!

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