Dr. Kathy Shoemaker and Visual Literacy

I enjoyed Dr. Shoemaker’s presentation and agreed with her points about the importance of visual literacy. In fact, I learnt how to close read text by close reading images first. I believe this is the case for many people, but many do not realize this. It was not until I took a first year literature course when I was introduced to actively “reading” images and then transferring these same skills to text. I can definitely see myself bringing in picture books/graphic novels into my future classes!

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1 Response to Dr. Kathy Shoemaker and Visual Literacy

  1. julie tadd says:

    I agree. I also learned a lot. I use pictures when teaching ELL’s but never thought to incorporate picture books or children literature when I taught high school class. I also like that there are books that I can use in social studies as well. I thought it was really interesting discussion about the amount of drawing compared to the lack of drawing on a page. Prior to that discussion I had never really given it a lot of thought.

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