If you love memes as much as I do…

Here’s the link to The Cask of Amontillado memes… along with some highlights!

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3 Responses to If you love memes as much as I do…

  1. Joanne Hui says:

    I think showing these memes in class would be so fun and really make the text more engaging for students. It would also be great to potentially have them make their own memes based on books. There’s no need for students to have certain social media platforms. Students could email them to the teacher and share them in class.

  2. Samantha Smirfitt says:

    Yes! I love the idea of creating memes based on stories! I had to do that for a course and it was hilarious

  3. jacqueline wall says:

    I love this! Another idea I had was to get students create their own version of the game “What Do You Meme.” In case anyone hasn’t heard of this game, each round a photo is displayed (one commonly used for memes) and each person has cards in their hands that contain captions. You need to choose the caption that you think goes best/is funniest with the photo. You could create a class set by having students select quotes or something from the texts studied in class and create your own deck of captions. I haven’t fully worked out whether I would want to also use my own photos or have students also bring pictures or just use the ones that come with the game (I’ve only played it once so I can’t remember how appropriate all the pictures are) but anyway, it’s an idea.

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